The equipment you need

Explor what we suggest and let us know what you would like


These NUCs have built-in blurtooth

USB 3 and USB-C

The NUCs have all the USB you will need, including two USB-3 ports and two USB type C ports.

Built-in Wifi

Not only do the NUCs have an ethernet port, but also have built-in wifi so you can reduce cable clutter.

Windows Pro

With every NUC we provide, we also ensure that it is updated with the latest version of Windows 10 Pro.

What more could you want in a computer?

A laptop that can do what you need

Laptop ports have been changing rapidly over the past few years. We are here to make sure your laptop is going to come with everything you need!

Microsoft Office and other software

It is vital that your laptop is able to run all the software you need. We always will help setup any software you need on your computer!

Screen Size

Laptops come in many sizes, ranging from 13in to 17in. Let us know what we need and we will get the perfect size for you!

Windows Pro

We ensure that ever laptop we sell will come installed with Windows 10 Pro.

Laptops to help you keep working while on the go!

The storage you need

We know ever server is going to be different and require different power levels. We will ensure that we will help you choose the server that can run all the software and virtual servers you need.

Server that can run all your vertual servers

We know ever server is going to be different and require different power levels. We will ensure that we will help you choose the server that can run all the software and virtual servers you need.

Network connectivity

Not only can we help you get the perfect server for your network, we can also get it setup and running for you!

Windows Server

We understand it can be difficult navigating Microsoft’s server requirements for their licensing. We can help you get setup and running by ensuring you are fully licensed to do so!

Servers to keep you going

The storage you need

We know ever server is going to be different and require different power levels. We will ensure that we will help you choose the server that can run all the software and virtual servers you need.

Server that can run all your vertual servers

We know ever server is going to be different and require different power levels. We will ensure that we will help you choose the server that can run all the software and virtual servers you need.

Network connectivity

Not only can we help you get the perfect server for your network, we can also get it setup and running for you!

Windows Server

We understand it can be difficult navigating Microsoft’s server requirements for their licensing. We can help you get setup and running by ensuring you are fully licensed to do so!